In some countries, including England and Australia, graduating from an accredited program is the requirement for entry to practice for a Radiological Technologist. Alternately, in Canada, the US, and other countries, certification exams are required to be a practicing Technologist.
In Canada, all students graduating from Canadian accredited programs must write the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) certification exam in order to practice in Canada. The exam is a competency based exam, written in two 3-hour sessions, with a total of 250 multiple choice questions (CAMRT, 2009). In the US, the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) provides certification in Radiography. Candidates write a 220 multiple choice question exam. (ARRT, 2010). In the Philippines, graduates of a recognized school with a Baccalaureate degree in radiologic technology sit for the registry exam (PRC, 2010).
The big question for any student is how to prepare for this extremely important exam.
The CAMRT provides, in addition to the study guide, an online practice exam. You can take this exam by going to and registering. There are practice exams for all of the CAMRT professional streams including Radiological Technology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Therapy, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Today, Blogger and Instructor, Hariette made a post on her blog "Radiology 101" about a Radiologic Technology review program. The program consists of lecture-style review over a period of two months to prepare students for their board examination.
Another approach is to use the study guides published, for example Mosby's Comprehensive Review of Radiography or Lange Q&A: Radiography Examination, which are written based on the ARRT examination. These guides receive mixed reviews, some readers saying they did not contain all the required information for the exam, while others say they were a big help in their studies (Amazon, 2004). I bought the Mosby's book last year thinking it might be a little help studying for my CAMRT exam this spring. The book is useful in that it provides multiple-choice questions to practice with. However, the book does not provide in depth or complete information as I would assume is needed to pass the CAMRT exam. There are currently no published study guides for the CAMRT examinations.
Early after the discovery of X-rays, one journalist suggested that X-rays could be used to directly project radiographic images into the minds of students (Dewing, 1962). If only.
Any wise words of advice on preparing for these exams?
AART. (2010). American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Retrieved from
Amazon. (2004). Mosby's Comprehensive Review of Radiography: Customer Reviews. Retrieved from
CAMRT (2009). Prep Guide. Retrieved from
Dewing, S. B. (1962). Modern Radiology in Historical Perspective. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher
PRC. (2010). Republic of the Philippines Professional Regulation Commission. Retrieved from
In Canada, all students graduating from Canadian accredited programs must write the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) certification exam in order to practice in Canada. The exam is a competency based exam, written in two 3-hour sessions, with a total of 250 multiple choice questions (CAMRT, 2009). In the US, the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) provides certification in Radiography. Candidates write a 220 multiple choice question exam. (ARRT, 2010). In the Philippines, graduates of a recognized school with a Baccalaureate degree in radiologic technology sit for the registry exam (PRC, 2010).
The big question for any student is how to prepare for this extremely important exam.
The CAMRT provides, in addition to the study guide, an online practice exam. You can take this exam by going to and registering. There are practice exams for all of the CAMRT professional streams including Radiological Technology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Therapy, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Today, Blogger and Instructor, Hariette made a post on her blog "Radiology 101" about a Radiologic Technology review program. The program consists of lecture-style review over a period of two months to prepare students for their board examination.
Another approach is to use the study guides published, for example Mosby's Comprehensive Review of Radiography or Lange Q&A: Radiography Examination, which are written based on the ARRT examination. These guides receive mixed reviews, some readers saying they did not contain all the required information for the exam, while others say they were a big help in their studies (Amazon, 2004). I bought the Mosby's book last year thinking it might be a little help studying for my CAMRT exam this spring. The book is useful in that it provides multiple-choice questions to practice with. However, the book does not provide in depth or complete information as I would assume is needed to pass the CAMRT exam. There are currently no published study guides for the CAMRT examinations.
Early after the discovery of X-rays, one journalist suggested that X-rays could be used to directly project radiographic images into the minds of students (Dewing, 1962). If only.
Any wise words of advice on preparing for these exams?
AART. (2010). American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Retrieved from
Amazon. (2004). Mosby's Comprehensive Review of Radiography: Customer Reviews. Retrieved from
CAMRT (2009). Prep Guide. Retrieved from
Dewing, S. B. (1962). Modern Radiology in Historical Perspective. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher
PRC. (2010). Republic of the Philippines Professional Regulation Commission. Retrieved from